
Self-destructing email:

Do you recognize playing with transparent ink when you were a kid? Perhaps you wrote a confidential note that you wished only one special person could read or you accompanied an associate with an answer on a tough exam.

What is Self-Destructing Email?

Same as a note written in transparent ink, a self-destruct email is an email that dissolves and becomes scribbled after either a particular amount of time has passed, or when the sender demands it.

There are two main types of self-destructing email. They are-

  1. Time-based.

 In this situation, the email self-destructs or dissolves after a before-decided length of time. This time is decided by the sender before sending the email to the receiver and it may be a day, a week, a month, or any length of time determined by the sender.

  1. Retractable

Let’s say that you have written a genuinely annoying email to your senior, calling him all types of names. Luckily, common sense succeeds and you feel that this is not the perfect option to distinguish a battle, especially not with your corporation. 

Google’s “Attempt” at Self-Destructing Email

Somewhere in the year 2018, Google announced “confidential mode” in Gmail, permitting users to put a termination date for their messages or completely inoperative access to them. 

To activate it:

  1. Start composing a new email.
  2. In the New email window, at the bottom, where you will see the Send button, search for an icon that seems like a combination of a lock and a clock. That is the icon to convert the secret mode on or off. Click on this.

This was elevated so early by relatively all large tech news websites, who were bounding over each other in appreciating Gmail for this “amazing new feature”.

Here is a small passage from it, we suggest checking it out-

  1. Whether the emails are end-to-end encrypted or not.
  2. Google contains complete access to the email even if you have set a self-destructing email app.
  3. If you want to secure your password and email, Google may connect your receiver’s mobile number with their email address.

A Better and More Secure Self-Destruct Email Account

Gmail’s secret mode is secret on paper only, but not very much in the real world. Alternately, you must see yourself capturing a self-destructing email account with a completely-developed end-to-end encrypted email provider.

One such is our CTemplar: Armored Email

Remember that the self-destruct email free feature is only accessible on CTemplar’s paid plans, but not on the Free plan. Also, you may only send a self-destructing email to another CTemplar account. For example- If you are sending an email to a Gmail, rediffmail, or Yahoo account, the feature is not accessible.


A self-destructing email is only one of the many features that will be accessible for you with a CTemplar account and that will cooperate with you in remaining safe and unidentified during email sending. If you would like to send self-destructing emails, sign up for a paid CTemplar account. By confirming to be our paid plan member, you may also use a Dead Man’s Timer, which permits you to immediately send messages when the timer is up, even if you do not log in.

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