
The Most Secure Email Encrypted Service Provider

The emails you send potentially contain sensitive information you don’t want to get into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, popular email services like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail do very little to prevent someone who is not an intended recipient from reading your email content.

This is done through encryption. And, although the services above offer some email encryption, it is often too little too late to protect your sensitive information.

When discussing social security numbers, banking accounts, credit card information, and passwords, weak encryption won’t do.

Instead, you need to have a secure email encrypted service.

What is Encryption?

But first, what is encryption, and how do we define it?

Numerous encryption definitions are floating around, and depending on the type of encryption we are talking about, they are slightly different.

The best way to define email encryption is to say it is:

“The process of disguising email content and preventing potentially sensitive information from being read and abused by non-intended recipients.”

That’s the global definition of email encryption. However, not all encryption is the same. 

In general, we have three types of encryption for email:

  1. S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The user implements Person-to-Person (P2P) and requires email certificates (like GlobalSign).
  2. TLS (Transport Layer Security). Server-to-Server (S2S) is implemented directly by the email provider and uses certificates (like Comodo, for example).
  3. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). Implemented by the user. Instead of certificates like the other two, use a set of keys – public and private. The public key encrypts the message, private key decrypts it.

So, which one should you implement in your email? 

Well, it depends mainly on your needs, but it’s a good idea to understand the pros and cons of each. In general, if you need server-level encryption, you should look towards TLS encryption, while for client-level encryption, your options are between S/MIME or PGP.

We’ll briefly cover the pros and cons here:

S/MIME Pros:

  • It can automatically encrypt and decrypt emails for the user. 
  • It is not susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.

S/MIME Cons:

  • It can be somewhat tricky to set up within an organization as it requires installing the Certificate Authority (CA). S/MIME will, therefore, not work if everyone doesn’t have a CA certificate.

TLS Pros:

  • It’s easier to implement than S/MIME or PGP since it’s done by the provider and not the user.
  • Verifies that you are who you say you are. Important when doing business online.

TLS Cons:

  • Requires both parties (sender and recipient) to use TLS. If one of them doesn’t, the message won’t be encrypted.
  • Furthermore, even with both parties using TLS, the message can go through via a compromised (either hacked or poorly configured) server. 

PGP Pros:

  • Free to use (if we are talking about OpenPGP, which CTemplar also uses).
  • Very secure.
  • Widely used.

PGP Cons:

  • You need to exchange keys with people outside your organization often.
  • It requires specialized software.

Benefits of Email Encryption

All that said, regardless of the type, encrypting data provides several benefits:

  1. It protects your private and sensitive information. There are a lot of things, whether business-related or personal, that can be used against you one way or another. Email encryption prevents that.
  2. It saves time. Ensuring connection and security in the past required several steps and programs. With encryption, this is no longer the case.
  3. It’s often cost-effective. This is particularly true for server-side encryption like TLS.
  4. Users don’t need to set up additional programs to secure their emails other than encryption.
  5. It helps authenticate the sender as legitimate and not a spammer.
  6. HIPAA, CFPB, CJIS, and other compliance guidelines require encryption to keep user information confidential.
  7. Prevents hackers from gaining access to your email login information (username and password) and sends fake messages in your name (identity theft).
  8. Avoids message replays. For instance, a hacker can intercept the actual message, save it, alter it, and then resend it to look authentic to the recipient.
  9. Protects your email backups. Many email providers store your messages for a certain length even if you delete them on SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Servers. Anyone accessing those backups can read the information in those messages. 

CTemplar is one of the few encrypted email providers allowing you to delete emails instantly.

The option to send an email with a self-destruct timer is available on all paid plans. 

Here’s how to activate it:

  1. Compose an email message.
  2. Click the clock icon next to the Send (Auto Self Destruct) button.
  3. Select the date and time in the pop-up, after which the message should notificationestruct.
  4. Click Send and watch the fireworks as the message self-destructs after the selected time.


So we talked at length about encryption, covered encryption definition, different types of encryption technology, and their pros and cons.

However, one crucial question is still without an answer.

What is the most secure email encryption service provider?

CTemplar uses trusted and audited 4096-bit end-to-end encryption. We use OpenPGP next-gen encryption, allowing users to send secure emails and protect their personal and professional details from prying eyes (like the 14EY).

Our encryption protection covers email message content, attachments, contacts, and subjects, and we’re also the only email service working on encrypting metadata. 

Note, however, that encrypting subjects is not available with the Free plan but only on paid plans.

Also, CTemplar’s end-to-end encryption is the first to offer “Zero Access,” thus preventing malicious scripts from reaching your email.

Of course, we are not stopping there. We know that email encryption and security, in general, is an ongoing process. That is why we constantly work to improve our platform for our users and always listen to your feedback.

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