
This New Way To Use End To End Encryption Is Epic:

Encryption is one of the most essential technological agencies for securing the privacy and protection of data and data systems, but it has continuously been the topic of protest by governments searching to maximize the approach of their interrogative strengths.

In the year 1996, a report by the National Academy of Sciences found out that cryptography “is a most strong tool for securing data and information” and that “many national interests need the efficient security of data and information.” Since then, cryptographic systems have been important to the establishment of the latest internet and advanced conversation methods


In the 1990s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation played an important role in endorsing the interdiction of encryption methods that would not “ensure” law enforcement turn to encrypted email and communications. Officers at the U.S. Department of Justice worked so closely with the National Security Agency to prevent the establishment of really safe and private communications systems.


Despite the success of previous encryption methods for documents and other Internet systems, there was not the proper alignment of powerful “end-to-end” encryption explained for e-mail and other SMS services (like encrypted from the sender to the recipient) until recently. For so many years, Google, the company providing the most broadly used email service in the world, was not only unsuccessful to encrypt email messages, but the company also scanned personal emails for advertisement motives. Google did put an end to this practice in 2017.


The government has continuously interfered and attempted to weaken the design of end-to-end encryption data in the private field, with one of the most distinguished examples in the latest years being the Apple vs. FBI case. The controversy came up for a warrant application that the authority published in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in December 2015, searching assistance with finding an iPhone that was caught during the investigation into the December 2015 attacks in San Bernardino, CA.


Since it was searched for more than 20 years ago, EPIC has been an exponent for the benefits of consumers to use powerful end-to-end encryption apps

In the 1990s, EPIC managed one of the first major Internet petitions in competition to the Clipper proposal. Through the Freedom of Information Act, EPIC obtained documents that authenticated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation trusted that Clipper-type encryption should be commanded within the United States. EPIC also published amicus inventories in two very important cases composing export controls and other boundations on encryption software use.

EPIC has also played an important role in developing the international framework for cryptography and privacy policy, including supporting the development of the OECD Cryptography Guidelines in the year 1997. Afterward, EPIC was ready for a report named Cryptography and Liberty 2000, It abstracted the state of international cryptography policy at the time. In June of 2021, EPIC associated other members of the Global Encryption Coalition in a letter conversion of Brazil to locate new updates to the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure that would terrorize encryption and information privacy and protection in Brazil. 

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