
Top Plagiarism Checkers to Create Original Papers

Plagiarism is a plague for all writers and other people in academia. They fear the very word yet don’t fully understand the concept. Students get caught with plagiarism more often than they would expect it. The reasons behind it are simple. Some young people fail to cite and reference sources. Others don’t know how to paraphrase information the right way. Sometimes, plagiarism appears out of nowhere. At least, students believe so. Overall, it’s very easy to get plagiarized papers when you don’t know how to check an essay. 

Fortunately, the Internet is full of great plagiarism checkers. They can help students submit successful, original papers every time. However, you better learn how to recognize a good checker and where to find it. These are our top three plagiarism checkers to create original papers. 

Why do you need a checker?

First things first, let’s discuss why every essay should go through a checker. Students can do everything right and still have problems with plagiarism. Why is it so? Well, the answer is not that simple. One needs to be very careful to have an original paper. Thus, you need to cite all the sources, include a reference list, understand the differences between the citing styles, and more. 

Very few students have enough experience and skills to get it all right at the first (or even fifth) try. Thus, a checker should be in place. It will show where you have the weakest spots in the text and help you fix them. A student may not even know about essays’ originality issues before running it through a check. So, you may use a checker just to make sure everything is okay with the text. It doesn’t take much time. It’s safe, and most such checkers are either free or budget-friendly. 


All students know Grammarly. It is a perfect service to detect and correct any possible grammar mistakes in texts. However, not many students know that Grammarly can also check papers for originality. Indeed, Grammarly can be a universal tool for writing academic papers. Thus, you can start by checking an essay for any typos, punctuation, or other grammar mistakes and later move on to a plagiarism check. 

Be aware, though, that a free version of this service won’t do much for you. A free version will only tell you whether you have or don’t have issues with plagiarism. At the same time, only a paid version will show where your most problematic areas are and how to fix them. Fortunately, a premium version costs only around $12 per month so that all students can afford this service. Also, a premium version can give you access to all Grammarly services, including a more detailed grammar and style analysis.


Unicheck is a very popular site among students. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s very thorough, accurate, and fast. You can download the whole file into the checker or type in up to 200 words. The checker will show whether you have anything to worry about and where. It will also show what sites your text matches. Thus, you can fully visualize what text elements you should edit to receive an original paper. 

Unicheck has an extensive database of over 90 billion websites. Thus, the checker will detect any threat and highlight it for you. In addition, the service provides students with easy-to-understand visuals on what is wrong with the text, so you can start editing right away. 


Of course, all students must be well familiar with Scribbr. This site provides students with all kinds of useful information, including information about essay writing, tips, suggestions, and tools. In fact, the service even offers students several writing services, such as proofreading or, you guessed it, plagiarism checks. The latter is incredibly accurate and thorough. This checker will leave no chance of plagiarism. 

The service checks your texts for matches with numerous sources online. Moreover, the checker can analyze sources in 20 languages. Indeed, plagiarism won’t have a chance against this machine. Lastly, you can upload rather extensive files here, and they will be checked whole. It’s definitely a plus when you write a long paper like a thesis. Also, here you pay per document size. Thus, you don’t have to buy any subscriptions or pay monthly. 

The bottom line

These are only three of many plagiarism checkers online. They are the best in their field. Yet, they all offer slightly different services at different prices. Hence, you can find what suits your needs the best.

Also, don’t forget that whenever in doubt, you can always find services to help you with the task. Just contact professional writers and ask them, “Can you write my paper for me cheap, please?” Chances are, they won’t refuse. Just find those you can trust. Remember, all professional writing services do plagiarism checks for free. So you don’t need to pay extra or worry about this issue at all. 

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